A highly motivated, responsible student majoring in computer science, with essential IT skills and teamwork experiences.
Waseda University
2018 - 2022
Bachelor of Engineering in Computer Science, Tokyo, Japan
- Researching in Terauchi Laboratory, mainly focusing on program synthesis.
Technical: Java, Python, C, TypeScript, Go, SQL, Haskell, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, MySQL, AWS DynamoDB, Redis, Spring Boot, RESTful Architecture, gRPC, GraphQL, Git, AWS, AWS CDK, GitHub Actions, Travis CI, Figma, Grafana, Docker
Management: Kanban Methodology, Scrum, Jira, Trello, Slack
Languages: Chinese, English, Japanese
Work Experience
Tokyo, Japan
Software Engineer Intern
Sep 2021 to Present
- Working on backend services.
Wantedly Inc.
Tokyo, Japan
Software Engineer Intern
Aug 2021 to Aug 2021
- Drafted a solution to migrate the usage of Personal Access Token to GitHub Apps.
- Created a experimental wizard tool to encourage developers with no knowledge of Terraform to create common resources.
Tokyo, Japan
Software Engineer
Dec 2020 to May 2021
- Used Grafana for service monitoring
- Created a data pipeline using Apache Airflow
- Automated deployment using Git Hooks and GitHub Actions
- EC2 server maintenance
Huobi WT
Tokyo, Japan
Software Engineer
Mar 2020 to Aug 2020
- Engaged in blockchain related development in a professional setting.
- Designed and implemented API endpoints using Spring Boot.
- Helped refactoring previous codes in Java.
- Migrated internal APIs from a Restful architecture to RPC.
- Implemented rate limit mechanism to the API service.
- Documented API details to service users and developers using Swagger and OpenAPI.
Technical Leader
Jun 2020
Project description
- Provided serverless backend solutions for the team
- Improved continuous integration and deployment pipeline using Github Actions
- Utilized the hosting feature of AWS Amplify
- Used AWS CDK to achieve IaC and backend automation
- Secured API endpoint from malicious requests
- Used Swagger UI to display API documentation to developers in our team
- Introduced Grafana to monitor backend service status and usage
- Implemented a GraphQL API endpoint for flexible queries
- Improved the scraper by taking a multi-threading and asynchronous approach to decrease blocking time
- Integrated monitoring (Sentry, Grafana, Epsagon) and deployment notification (Amplify, CloudFormation) into slack workspace
- Provided a serverless solution to perform scheduled scraping tasks using AWS Lambda, AWS StepFunction and AWS EventBridge
- OAuth user login with Google and AWS Cognito
- Guided new members to build their development skills
- Introduced a formal development workflow to the team by embracing industry-level specifications and standards
AWS, Golang, Python, Node.js, TypeScript, React.js, Micro-frontends, GitHub Actions, DynamoDB, Grafana, GCP
REPL for the IMP Language
Sep 2020
- An implementation of the toy programming language IMP including a REPL environment.